Hannah – Programme Development Manager

Hannah first joined PEEK as the Family Support Coordinator and is now our Programme Development Manager focusing on the Wellbeing Programme. Before this, Hannah worked as a Community Engagement Officer at Merry-go-round Glasgow where she co-managed a free pack service to families in crisis across Glasgow. She also started a crucial support group for refugee parents and mothers seeking asylum. She is passionate about early years development and supporting parents through this emotive time. 

Having graduated in 2017 with an MA (hons) in Sociology Hannah went into a Master’s degree where she focused her research in community development. Her time in education and experience at work has brought into focus the inequalities that exist in society. Hannah believes that real community integration at grassroot level empowers individuals to promote positive change within their communities. She is excited to encourage and facilitate this at PEEK.  

Favourite game? My local pub quiz!

Favourite food? All seafood…  

Superpower? Teleportation

Twitter? @HannahcPEEK

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